We Proudly Support


We proudly support the following human trafficking organizations through volunteer time, prayer intentions and financial support.


United Abolitionist

United Abolitionist (formerly Florida Abolitionist) is a local human trafficking organization that focuses on responding to victims of trafficking and coordinating placement, helping victims prosecute their abusers & handlers, educating and training communities on signs of victims & trafficking and acts as a catalyst to spark partnerships and collaborations between local law enforcement and communities.


Atlas Free (Formerly Rescue Freedom)

For over a decade, we have been chasing an ambitious goal—to create a global movement to stop sexual exploitation everywhere. Like an atlas, we build pathways that unite people and partners around the globe. We're optimists for a good reason. While trafficking is a massive issue, we know what it takes to solve it, and every day, we see our strategy working thanks to a generous community of supporters and a leading team of local experts. We're in this for humanity and the belief in the worth and dignity of all people. We are now Atlas Free



Bikers Against Trafficking

 Bikers Against Trafficking is an international 501(c)3 non-profit that exists to educate, equip, empower and mobilize members of the motorcycle community (AND THOSE LIKE MINDED) to combat human sex trafficking by building awareness, providing clinical trauma counseling, giving resources and providing housing for survivors. 


Exodus Cry

Trafficking is one component of a much larger system of violence, exploitation, and gender inequality known as the commercial sex industry. Our strategies are designed to assist, empower, and help bring freedom to those who have been victimized, while also fighting to uproot the larger system of injustice and exploitation that made it possible.


Agape women’s Center
